7 reasons why group holidays are perfect for first-time solo travellers

7 reasons why group holidays are perfect for first-time solo travellers

If your friends, family, or partner don’t share your passion for travel, you don’t have to abandon your dreams of exploring new places. Read on to discover why group holidays are an excellent way to experience new sights, learn new skills, and meet new people.

Although the idea of travelling solo within a group might seem daunting, holidays designed for single travellers are becoming increasingly popular. Up to 70% of Flavours Holidays guests attend our trips alone, so you’ll find many others in the same situation. We organise our holidays with classes led by our friendly tutors, excursions, and communal dinners featuring plenty of authentic food and wine – all while ensuring you have time for yourself. Our guests leave feeling rejuvenated and full of life. So, what’s holding you back? Here’s why everyone should try a solo travel holiday at least once!

1. Solo travelling broadens the mind

Solo traveller group holidays broaden the mind in many ways. They encourage you to meet new people from all walks of life, improve your social skills, and give you the confidence to make friends with those you might not encounter in your usual routine. These holidays also inspire you to see more of the world, and when travelling with a knowledgeable guide, there’s the added benefit of learning about different cultures, architecture, and history. With the help of a trained tutor, learning a new skill, whether it be a language or a creative pursuit, takes on new meaning as it helps you expand your understanding and abilities.

4 women on a group holiday whilst travelling solo

Group holidays are a great way to make new friends

2. It allows for personal discovery

In our experience, personal growth is one of the main motivations for solo travel among women. Learning to spend time alone, stepping outside your comfort zone, and building confidence with new people are common themes when we speak to our guests. Travelling by yourself isn’t just about the external journey from A to B; it’s also a voyage of personal discovery. You’ll uncover what truly makes you tick, overcome your fears, and gain a deeper sense of what genuinely brings you happiness. Many people return home with a newfound sense of self-love, which can positively impact various areas of their lives.

Group holiday on the beach taking in the beautiful scenery

Group holidays can help you discover what your likes and dislikes are

3. Travel is ageless

No matter your age, the wonderful thing about travel is that it always has something new to teach you. Even those who are more mature and feel they’ve experienced life will still enjoy learning on adventures to new places. Indeed, travelling offers an education about the world that textbooks cannot provide. Whatever your stage of life, special experiences such as admiring centuries-old buildings or pristine coastlines can put everything into perspective. It’s a grounding experience and can even make you feel younger than you are.

Italian lifestyle lessons Talking

4. Practise people skills

Travelling alone or as part of a group encourages breaking down barriers when engaging with new acquaintances. Travellers constitute a large, inclusive community, and you may be pleasantly surprised at how effortlessly new friendships can be formed. Even for introverts, group holidays designed for single travellers are highly effective in facilitating introductions, particularly when centred around a specific activity or shared interest, making it easier to establish common ground.

Is it necessary to be exceptionally confident to participate? Certainly not. Our holidays feature experienced hosts, adept at fostering connections and ensuring all participants feel welcome and comfortable. As many of our guests travel alone, we have found this approach significantly enhances group cohesion.

A solo traveller getting taught how to make pizza

Every day is a school day!

5. Live in the moment

Wouldn’t we all like to feel more present? Well, on a group holiday arranged by someone else, you can be. We organise every aspect of the itinerary for our guests and share the details in advance so that you can relax, knowing everything from the food to sightseeing is pre-arranged and there’s nothing left to pay for. We have loved receiving feedback from returning guests who say that this is one of the main reasons for returning to Flavours, knowing they can take a worry-free break from daily life and enjoy every moment.

Flavours group together on steps - laughing in the sunshine with tree behind

6. A sense of achievement

Embarking on a solo journey is a significant accomplishment – commendations to you for even considering it. For many of our guests, it represents a substantial departure from their comfort zone, but deviating from familiar routines can be very rewarding. Participating in a group trip designed for solo travellers is ideal for those new to this experience, as it offers structure, support, and comprehensive safety measures all the while still empowering you to be courageous and undertake something extraordinary.

2 travellers proud of accomplishing a task


7. Great reviews and recommendations from our Amici

Our Amici are guests who have travelled with us before. We asked them to share their experiences as first-time solo travellers.

Karen tells us, “I first travelled with Flavours in 2011 to Sicily for a cooking holiday. Since then, I have enjoyed amazing experiences in Tuscany, Amalfi, Andalusia, and Puglia; the last three being Pilates trips. The Flavours Team is always well-organised, and the various locations are exemplary! I can’t wait for my next solo venture in June.”

Jenni explains her experience: “It was my first solo trip after losing my husband. Cookery in Tuscany – what could be better? A stunning villa, everything well-organised, and such a lovely crowd. It might have been my first holiday, but it won’t be my last.”

Women enjoying a glass of Aperol Spritz in Italy

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