Flavours News

Why giving away gifts is a great idea

December 9, 2016

Do you know where you’re going on holiday next year? Most of us have a vague wishlist of places we’d like to visit, but often don’t actually organise our holidays until the last minute. These days, bucket lists are all the rage. People are busy compiling lists of things they’d like to do, and places…

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Competition Time – LOVE ITALY Giveaway!

November 4, 2016

[COMPETITON CLOSED] With winter in the air and temperatures falling, we cheer ourselves up with memories of summer and holidays in Italy as we’re looking at our new brochure. So we thought what better way to celebrate the release of Flavours Holidays brochure than a Flavours Holidays giveaway? Join LOVE ITALY giveaway via our Facebook…

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Win ‘Italy from the Source’ by Lonely Planet – [Competition Closed]

April 22, 2016

Competition Time at Flavours Holidays! [Closed] We have teamed up with the lovely people at Lonely Planet to give away 3 copies of their latest cookbook, Italy From the Source. And that’s not all. To accompany this fantastic book, the 3 winners will also receive an Italian food hamper from Flavours Holidays   At Flavours, we are…

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Photography Holidays in Tuscany

February 20, 2016

Grab your kit and your tripod and join us on our photography holidays in Tuscany! We offer photography holidays in stunning Tuscany.  Where better to learn and practice your photography skills than being surrounded by beautiful Tuscan landscape? Let this iconic region of Italy inspire you and immerse yourself in its authentic and traditional ways. One of…

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Meet the Team: Flavours New Year’s Resolutions

December 31, 2015

  Today is the last day of 2015 and we asked in the office: What’s your resolution for 2016? Here at the Flavours office, we have a wide range of goals that we hope to keep for 2016. Maybe these will inspire some resolutions for you too! Lorne – Director & Founder Lorne: “My New Year’s…

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Q&A: The Top 3 Most Frequently Asked Questions

November 13, 2015

Our Italian holiday season 2015 has come to an end. Whilst reminiscing about the fantastic guests on our cooking courses, painting classes and Pilates holidays in Italy, we also started thinking about the questions we’ve been asked throughout the year. Here are our top 3 most frequently asked questions and our team’s answers.  1. Cooking,…

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Whats New in 2016 for Flavours Holidays

September 15, 2015

We recently released our 2015/2016 brochure with dates and holidays for the year ahead. The biggest and most exciting changes are to our Amalfi offerings. Amalfi was our most popular destination last year, often selling out fast as travellers raced to spend a week on the iconic and unique Italian coast. This is why we…

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Author Interview: Peter Moore

July 7, 2015

Many before him must have dreamt of riding around the Italian countryside on a classic Vespa, soaking up the culture and the sun. But Peter wasn’t scared to take the leap and make it happen, heading off to Italy in search of La Dolce Vita! Vroom with a View is his account of Italy from the saddle…

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Why you have to book a holiday… with your mum!

March 13, 2015

Recent studies have shown – we all want to spend more time with our parents. However, being busy can really get in the way of spending some quality time with your mother. Whilst Mother’s Day is a nice day to show appreciation for the fabulous woman that raised us, listened to our problems and gave…

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Who was Saint Valentine?

February 14, 2015

Valentines Day is celebrated all over the world, however not many people know that the romantic day’s namesake was actually an Italian! During the Roman Empire Roman Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage as he believed it distracted his young soldiers from battle. Valentine was a priest and, in defiance of this law, would marry young…

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Best Italian Restaurants – Vittoria Group in Edinburgh

January 22, 2015

Today, we discuss the wonders of discovering Italian cuisine with Executive Chef at the Vittoria Group in Edinburgh, Spencer Wilson. The Vittoria Group includes some of Edinburgh’s best Italian restaurants, such as Vittoria on Leith Walk to La Favorita – which does one of the best pizzas in town! Read on to see what inspires…

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Inspirational Holidays

January 2, 2015

This year, I will… learn a new skill! Our holidays are different! Flavour’s Holidays place great importance on the “experience” of guests and aim to provide holidays that guests can really take something from. Set in beautiful villas across Italy, we aim to inspire guests and help nurture new skills that they can take home…

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Top Reasons to Fall in Love with Venice

August 12, 2014

While Venice is currently attracting international stars from all over the world during its International Film Festival, we would like to put even more spotlight on the floating city. There is hardly any other place in the world that is as unique and fascinating as Venice. Captivated by its charm, so many of our cooking…

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Flavours Blog

Food, Recipes, Lifestyle and Travel blog – by the Flavours Holidays team.