Solo Travel

Five Classic Single Traveller Fears Allayed

October 26, 2017

For many first-time solo travellers, a holiday for one can be a daunting prospect. Having been widowed myself, I know that until very recently there has been a real stigma attached to going on holiday by yourself. But my goodness, how that’s changed: in fact, according to a recent study by market researchers Mintel, more…

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How to Travel Alone for the First Time – 9 Useful Tips

October 2, 2017

This blog was originally posted on 2nd October 2017 and was updated on 22nd October 2020. Travelling alone is a great way to enjoy a holiday! In fact, 70% of our guests are solo travellers. It gives you the chance to enjoy your holiday exactly how you want to, and meet like-minded travellers along the…

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Solo travelling tips for women

July 24, 2017

Travelling alone for women is usually considered something unusual; because of a few unrealistic stigmas attached to it. However, a solo female trip is something every girl should opt for once in a lifetime. Because all that which stops you from doing it; it’s nothing but an unrealistic stigma. A lot of girls around the…

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5 Inspiring Tips for Women Travelling Solo

March 1, 2017

Travelling solo is becoming more popular than ever in 2017 and a whopping 70% of our guests are solo travellers. This inspired us to start a new blog post series for female single travellers and interview our favourite solo travel experts. Today, we ask Leyla from Women on the Road her most inspiring tips for women travelling…

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5 things you wouldn’t have expected to happen on cooking holidays

December 29, 2016

Most people book a Flavours cooking holidays because they love Italian cuisine, and think cooking and eating in warm, beautiful Italy, with great produce on the doorstep, will be a blissful holiday where they’ll learn, too. What they don’t expect is to find a husband! That’s what happened to one of our guests – just…

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4 Places You Need To Visit in Italy

March 1, 2016

Are you the kind of traveller who wants to avoid tourist traps and crowds? Do you want to experience a more authentic version of Italy? Making the travel news headlines recently, the famous villages that make up the Cinque Terre on Italy’s Liguria coast will be ticketed from April to October 2016. The pretty pastel-coloured fishing villages dotted…

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Forget Spa Breaks, Book a Pilates Retreat in Italy

February 27, 2016

Spa breaks are so last decade. It’s time to treat yourself to a Pilates retreat in sunny Italy. Life is a little bit stressful these days. Do you sit at a desk all day? Are you constantly going from A to B, working long hours, and worrying about family life? Don’t worry there is an…

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Travel Blogger Interview: Travel Advice for Solo Travellers

November 25, 2015

Thinking about a holiday for single people but feeling a little bit nervous about making the first step? In today’s blogger interview psychologist and travel blogger Irene S. Levine gives some great tips for those who need a little bit of reassurance. She also explains why cooking, painting or Pilates holidays are fantastic for starting your…

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Blogger Interview – Natalie Lue

August 31, 2015

Our ‘Top Blogger’  series continues this week with Natalie Lue from Baggage Reclaim. A huge seventy percent of our guests travel come on a  holiday for single people with us, that’s why we love Natalie’s blog so much. Natalie describes her goal as to ’empower women’, which she has certainly achieved. Her writing has saved many…

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Blogger Interview – Annette White

August 10, 2015

Our ‘Top Bloggers’ series continues with Annette White, a travel blogger who has overcome severe anxiety to take on a bucket list like no other. As many of our travellers are solo (a whopping seventy percent) we want to help alleviate any concerns the nervous solo adventurer may have before joining a holiday for singles….

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Blogger Interview – Julia Skinner

July 30, 2015

As part of our ‘Top Bloggers’ series, we interviewed Julia Skinner, a retired primary Headteacher who is far from finished teaching! Her 100Words challenge has encouraged young students to practise their writing skills – with thousands of submissions falling into her inbox from around the globe. Each week Julia posts a theme and challenges budding writers to…

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Top 9 Useful Italian Phrases for Food Related Expressions

May 7, 2015

Who doesn’t love Italian food? From classics such as lasagne to regional specialities – Italian dishes guarantee an amazing culinary experience. But food is much more in Italy than just…well… food. It is quintessential for understanding its culture, people and customs. Everyone who has experienced Italy’s culture and traditions through an Italian cooking holiday knows that….

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Solo traveller holidays – travel solo but not alone!

March 10, 2015

Going on a holiday for single people can sometimes sound daunting; especially if it is the first time you are travelling on your own. Searching for the right tour operator often turns out to be overwhelming. And, usually, after hours of researching the World Wide Web you still feel quite unsatisfied with your results left with plenty…

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Food, Recipes, Lifestyle and Travel blog – by the Flavours Holidays team.